Dear colleagues,
Off-grid energy companies and appliance manufacturers are encouraged to attend the Global LEAP Off-Grid Appliance Networking Event, held in Dhaka, Bangladesh July 31 and August 1 2015.
The event will bring together leading international off-grid industry leaders – including IDCOL Partner Organizations, and Winners and Finalists of the inaugural Global LEAP Awards Outstanding Off-Grid Appliances competitions – to network, discuss business opportunities, and explore ways to partner in the rapidly growing off-grid appliance market.
Find new customers and vendors among leading off-grid solar and appliance companies such as Grameen Shakti, Off-Grid Electric, Schneider Electric, Sola Home Appliances, Niwa, MAKS Group, Rahimafrooz/Rural Services Foundation, Barefoot Power, Solarland, fosera and more. The event will feature the round-robin networking structure of the highly successful business-to-business Global LEAP “Plugfest” held at the 5th Clean Energy Ministerial in Seoul, in May 2014, as well as plenty of time for private side meetings.
We'll look forward to seeing and working with you in Dhaka.
Thank you, and All the best,
Matt Jordan
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