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They would like relevant people to participate in their survey
Understanding the challenges energy enterprises face in emerging economies :
Financing is a big issue for energy related enterprises in emerging markets and there is no shortage of insight into why, how and when financing facilities need to develop. However, money alone won't make an enterprise successful. We lack real, up-to-date, and targeted insight into the other challenges that these enterprises face.
GVEP International and Invested Development are currently conducting a study to better understand these challenges in cooperation with the SE4ALL Energy Access Practitioner Network and Power Africa. A survey has been designed to gain preliminary insights from those who understand the needs and challenges best, so we can help create the products and services that are most relevant to your needs.
If you are an enterprise delivering energy products or services in emerging economies, we would appreciate if you could take a couple of minutes and support the study by participating in the online survey here.
If you have further questions or would like to learn more about the study, please contact Jacob Winiecki at
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