Yacht Seagoon sail to Papua New Guinea very year to install solar lights in small villige on small islands, where people before just had a open fire or small battery lights for use at night.
for more information look at my web site and links
LET me know if there is anything YOU can do to help out.
Thanks for this.
Interesting to hear you mention fires, as I think it's an under-studied "lighting fuel" ... most focus on kerosene and candles and flashlights.
I'd be interested in any insight/details you can share on the use of biomass for light in the villages you visit. Quantities of wood, duration, etc ... over and above what is needed for cooking? Is this wood collected in a renewable way, or does it entail any level of denuding the landscape?
Hi Evan
I'm ju s t on a 38 ft yacht, would not know much about the fuel. They do use only broken trees and palm fron's. For fire wood, as they are running out of trees, some island have so many people they cut down the trees to make gardens. All new gardens are made where they have old trees growing as that is where the best soil is. Most of the islands have bad soil with rocks, very dry.
2014 cyclone ITA washed away all the gardens, hunger and then a 9 month draught followed. Politician was profetering from the damage. I sailed out and handed out 450 kg of rice, tin food, nail, fish hooks. The LOCAL MP was kicked out of parliament for using government money for his own family, what else is new in PNG.
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