I worked in law as my first career thriving in the rapid learning curves of litigation. This skillset has been of great value as I established a non-profit, Sirona Cares Foundation, the sister corporation of a Bay Area biofuel company, Sirona Fuels. To expand upon our efforts to bring energy to the BOP worldwide I established Sirona Haiti, S.A. which acts as a mini-utiity bringing light to villages and creating a new export product for Haiti.
SCF's mission is to build sustainable communities. We place the power to create, use and sell alternative energy into the hands of the world's poorest people.
We responsibly farm Jatropha for use as a drop in replacement for diesel fuel, using safe intercropping techniques that displace no food crops. This incredibly successful model has over 1,000 small farmers engaged in bolstering hillsides and improving their topsoil by planting Jatropha on their land. We have planted over 250,000 trees and created a positive economic impact in the communities where we work through green fuel.
SCF partnered with the IEEE to bring rural electricity charging stations to Haiti. These solar generators "SunBlazers" provide energy to 83 homes each. In 2012 we began assembly of SunBlazer units in Haiti under a new Haitian corporation, Sirona Haiti, S.A. All of our work is both scalable and replicable, and as we prove our models we will expand into other countries to apply what we have learned.
I am committed to the sustainable development work that we have begun. It's an amazing adventure, and a truly fulfilling career.
Added by Michelle Lacourciere 1 Comment 0 Likes
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